Roanna Fernandes
Dec 16, 2021

studio jupiter is grateful for your blessings, and raises you this … offering

Year-end feels (2021) β€” Photograph by Roanna Fernandes

Dear friend,


How are you?

I hope you are keeping well.

(I am doing alright.)

I do not want to fill this with frivolities so here goes…

I am selling Christmas prints!

* Everything is domestic, presently.

* I am starting small, so prints are limited. If you like something and it is out of stock, do let me know. Based on the ones that seem to be well-liked, I can set about getting new prints made and added to stock.

* All products are listed with their specifications.

TL; DR β€” should you feel called, take a look around my little shop!


Thank you for your time.

To lasting happiness and health

(yours and everyone you hold close),

R o a n n a



Roanna Fernandes

I draw and write for a living, & I like a lot of diff hobbies & things. Will edit this as time progresses, or maybe not. (Just another person on the interwebz.)